LEO Explorers

LEO Academy Trust, prides itself in developing the whole child and preparing them for the next stage of their learning.  We aim to develop well-rounded pupils who develop critical thinking, leadership skills, life skills and cultural capital. 

This is supported through our LEO Explorer Characteristics which underpin our curriculum, empowering all pupils  to embrace our LEO Pupil Outcomes. 

Creating a positive and inclusive classroom environment is fundamental to the development of LEO Explorer Characteristics. We believe that by nurturing these attributes and attitudes for learning, we equip our pupils to be confident, compassionate, and capable leaders who positively impact their communities and help shape a better tomorrow.

Copy of LEO Explorers   for PH

LEO Explorer Characteristic Child Definitions

The creation of LEO explorer characteristics has been a  fabulous collaboration of thoughts and ideas from a number of groups from within the LEO Team. Special thanks to everyone involved in this project with particular recognition to Niamh Wilson for bringing the LEO explorers to life with her brilliant illustrations and Evo Hannan for getting us started on this journey.