DfE Behaviour Hub

Behaviour Hubs Logo
Behaviour Hubs is a programme for schools in England that is fully funded by the Department for Education (DfE). It is a one-year programme, with the option to extend for a second year if needed. There is a two-year programme for MATs. The scheme is scheduled to run for three years, with a full evaluation to be released in 2025.
The programme is fully funded by the DfE. The purpose of the programme is to provide schools with bespoke support, training and advice aimed at improving behaviour culture. Each programme is tailored to each individual school.
For more information please see here

Lead Academy Trust and Lead School

LEO Academy Trust is proud to be a lead MAT and one of our schools, Manor Park Primary Academy, has achieved Lead school status. This means we will work closely with allocated (partner) schools to analyse what could be improved. We will also work with partner schools to develop and launch new behaviour approaches and policies and provide ongoing mentoring and support. Lead schools provide advice on issues ranging from setting clear expectations for elimination of low-level disruption in classrooms, to more systematic approaches for maintaining order and discipline across common areas in the school. As a lead school, Manor Park will also host ‘open days’ where our counterparts can observe good systems and approaches in action.