Senior Mental Health Lead & School Champions

Within the LEO trust, we have created a mental health team in each school which consists of the Senior Mental Health Lead, the Mental Health Champion, the Trauma-Informed Champion, and the ELSA(s). The team meets regularly to review provisions and ensure we are meeting the ongoing needs of our pupils. 


Senior Mental Health Lead

The Senior Mental Health Lead (SMHL) is someone who has undertaken a leadership course in mental health. They have responsibility for mental health in each setting i.e. they hold responsibility for policy being implemented, they promote and embed the whole school approach to positive mental health, they implement early identification and oversee measurement of pupil wellbeing. The SMHLs are aware of and can signpost to mental health provision in their local area, they work with the parent community on mental health, and they work with staff and children on a whole school approach to mental health.


Mental Health Champions 

Mental Health Champions utilise experience/training to able to recognise signs and symptoms of mental health needs. They help with:

  • the coordination of assessment of mental health in EYFS, Year 3 and Year 5, using specific screening tools bespoke to our Trust

  • raising awareness of specific areas of mental health and challenge stigma

  • support the Senior Mental Health Leads in considering policy and provision decisions within their school

  • ensuring  parent and child voice are included in the school approach

  • supporting Senior Leaders by acting as staff role models


Trauma-Informed Champion

Attend regular bi-monthly training & surgeries on Trauma and are able to bring information, resources and skills to others in the LEO Trust. Using their knowledge and training, they are able to seek support for specific individuals from local and national services. 


Mental Health First Aiders

As part of the national initiative, many LEO staff have increased their knowledge of Mental Health through completing a half day training course. This allows them to be more aware of the risks and impact of mental health problems and supports them to be able to recognise when children may be experiencing challenges and consider what action to take.