Blog: Growing Great People: Professional Growth at LEO Academy Trust
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At LEO Academy Trust, we are focused on delivering our vision of Learning, Excellence and Opportunity through all that we do, including professional growth.
Professional Growth at LEO is an opportunity for not only growth but challenge. We are challenged to always improve, to always get better, and to continually grow as great people.
All members of the LEO staff community see themselves as learners, no matter how experienced they are professionally. Here, they are empowered to make decisions, be collaborative, lead and grow.
Our 'Growing Great People' framework has truly transformed the way we think about professional growth. It's not just about ticking boxes or meeting standards – it's about fostering a culture where everyone feels valued, heard, and empowered to grow.
Here is all you need to know about professional growth at LEO and what our 'Growing Great People' framework looks like in practice, in every primary within the Trust.
What is ‘Growing Great People’?
A cornerstone of LEO’s People Strategy (2024 - 2027) ‘Growing Great People’ is LEO Academy Trust’s professional growth policy. It puts establishing, improving and maintaining the very highest standards in our daily work at its very heart, and wholeheartedly supports our vision of Learning, Excellence and Opportunity.
Our professional growth processes exist to ensure that all LEO staff, whatever their role, are able to be the very best they can be, so that every pupil can reach the highest possible standards.
This policy sets out our high expectations and a clear framework for a consistent approach to professional growth, allowing our staff develop and succeed as trusted and valued professionals.
Professional growth within the Trust has several purposes:
- To build and enhance expertise and secure continuous learning and improvement.
- To enable reflection on strengths and successes, and areas for further growth.
- To recognise and promote a culture of professionalism.
This policy is designed to change the way we view accountability and continuous professional growth. Professional growth within the LEO Academy Trust is ‘done by’ our staff, not ‘done to’ them.
We regard ‘Growing Great People’ as a key driver not only for staff growth and school improvement, but also for recruitment, retention, and wellbeing.
What does the framework look like in practice?
To create an aspirational environment and a successful professional growth strategy, all LEO staff engage in the many opportunities for learning and experimentation, reflection and evaluation, feedback and coaching.
Effective and genuinely continuous professional growth at LEO:
- Builds and enhances knowledge and expertise to bring about changes in practice.
- Has a narrow yet significant focus.
- Recognises that one size does not fit all.
- Focuses on what works and is evidence-informed.
- Involves collaboration with colleagues.
- Is sustained over time and includes frequent opportunities for learning, experimentation and practice, reflection and evaluation, honest frequent feedback and solutions-focused coaching.
The Trust ensures this vision is put into practice by giving access to a wide range of growth and training opportunities.
Here are just a few testimonials collected from teachers following the implementation of our Growing Great People framework!
“My completion of the 'Outstanding Teacher Programme' really supported my focus area this year and allowed me to understand how my modelling, vocabulary and expectations can support and challenge the children within my class.” - KS2 teacher at LEO Academy Trust
“I have had opportunities to work with the Director of Education for the Trust, who is also interested in disciplinary writing and oracy. I have been to several Trust-wide meetings regarding curriculum updates at LEO. I have had opportunities to network and share best practice. I have also attended Year 5 writing moderation where disciplinary writing was also an important part of the training.” - Experienced teacher at LEO Academy Trust
Coaching culture
The shift towards a coaching culture has been a key component of the Growing Great People framework and instrumental in our transformation.
Our coaching offer allows staff to self-reflect and identify areas for growth, creating a bespoke professional growth plan with their coach. This sustained growth work is presented to team colleagues at the end of the cycle to ensure accountability and share effective practice, with regular check-ins throughout.
We’re encouraging each other to take ownership of our learning journeys through active listening and powerful questioning, boosting collaboration, innovation, and a sense of shared responsibility for our collective success.
What are the benefits of professional coaching?
Coaching is a powerful process that unlocks potential and fosters growth in a positive atmosphere, providing tailored goal-setting and bespoke support for all staff.
The key principles of coaching at LEO include active listening, purposeful questioning and building rapport in a non-judgemental, expertise-led atmosphere.
It empowers all staff to find their own solutions to their professional challenges and focus on their future opportunities, leading to:
- Improved performance
- Enhanced leadership and management skills
- Increased self-awareness and confidence
- Improved communication skills and collaboration
- Greater job satisfaction and engagement.
Remarking on the impact of our coaching culture, a new teacher commented:
“My coach is amazing, not only at checking times but anytime I have a question or just need some reassurance, she is always there with a listening ear and great advice to support me in my role. The new phonics interventions have definitely helped me when supporting children with SEND and EAL children. It has given me more confidence when delivering intervention to Year 2 children as well.”
At LEO, everyone is a learner
We believe that every staff member is entitled to be part of great learning communities, experience high-quality professional learning, and be exposed to a wide range of growth opportunities.
The ‘Growing Great People’ framework isn't just about individual growth – it's about recognising the unique strengths and talents that everyone brings to the table. By valuing each other's contributions and working together, we're creating a stronger, more vibrant LEO community where everyone can thrive.
For more information about professional growth at LEO and the ‘Growing Great People’ framework, you can head over to our Professional Learning page.
We’re looking forward to sharing more insights into the impact of our professional growth policy as we continue to expand our offer!