Google for Education Teaching Theatre at Bett 2023

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23 June 2023

Together with TextHelp, LEO Academy Trust's Director of Computing and Digital Skills Cheryl Shirley presented at the Google Theatre for Bett 2023. For Texthelp, partners like Google for Education are essential to success. Google helps to amplify our voice and reach even more students with our digital tools for education.

Together with TextHelp, we presented at the Google Theatre. We talked about OrbitNote for PDF and how to make PDFs accessible in the classroom.

Working with people like Google is essential to success. They can amplify our voice, with a mutual understanding that TextHelp can amplify what they do and take their solutions and make them more holistic in the classroom. TextHelp provide a very specialist set of tools, accessibility tools, productivity tools but working together we can achieve more to identify what best practice looks like in the classroom when those two worlds of accessibility and the Google ecosystem come together between Texthelp and Google.